So, there is no training course for this exam since every specialist will be tested based on their individual experience. After developing a product roadmap, the solution architect is engaged in estimating the budget and introducing it to the stakeholders. Once everything is approved, SA traces the process of development and keeps clients tabs on the progress. During the development stage, the solution architect delves into each of the product areas. They have to explain how to make each part of the software so that everything fits into a single product.

what solution architect do

Solution architecture is the practice of designing, describing, and managing solution engineering to match it with specific business problems. For example, protecting customer data under GDPR and other privacy regulations is a business-level problem. If you want to catch all details quickly, check out our video about a solution architect role. Solution architecture itself encompasses business, system, information, security, application and technology architecture.

IT solutions architect roles and responsibilities

As a result, solution architects constantly deal with analytical work and move between various business layers. A solution architect
This specialist thinks through the implementation of the selected solution or feasibility of a certain change in the tech ecosystem. Depending on the solution architect’s technical skills and area of expertise, there are several types of professionals, e.g. those who deal with networks, security, data, DevOps flows, or infrastructure. Solution architects design and configure software products to solve a specific business problem. They often work in the cloud computing industry, wherein businesses rely on them to configure the company’s cloud architecture. This process requires cross-team collaboration between networking, data storage, data processing pipelines, data security and many other disciplines.

what solution architect do

In addition, the solution architect is responsible for ensuring that all requirements are met during development. He must examine the limitations of the project in order to optimize possible alternatives and reduce risks. In general, the solution architect is the link between the technical team and the project manager. It ensures the speed and accuracy of information transfer, as well as controls key development processes. Most solutions architects hold some kind of bachelor’s degree in information technology, computer science, or software development. An MBA in information systems would also be a good fit for those pursuing a role in solutions architecture.

Responsibilities & deliverables

Considering how nimble and agile the modern day enterprises have become, risk management has become one of the most crucial solution architect responsibilities of the current time. An individual who has been able to ace this skill will be able to best meet the “fail-fast” mindset of the modern day startups. But who are these solutions architects, and what role do they play in businesses’ success? We will dive into that in this article which is all about what is a solutions architect and his/her role. For me, coming from a sysadmin background, I already had a very strong base of Linux, networking, and programming.

  • Non-technical stakeholders might wonder if having a solutions architect is necessary for the business to succeed.
  • These specialists determine how exactly software technologies should be used to meet the customer’s demands.
  • The candidate is also required to have over 5 years of experience in leadership, managerial, or high-level advisory roles.
  • With analytical approach, solutions architects need to understand all of the technologies and topics related to a business to have a deep enough understanding to create a solution.

For more senior roles, you may need more experience or education, including a master’s degree. Depending on the role, you might also need experience in specific IT areas, such as networking administration, development, customer service, or other relevant areas. Solution architects make sure the product meets business requirements, will be delivered on time and within budget.

Solution architect role description and responsibilities

An enterprise architect is a role that defines and governs the overall architecture of an organization, across multiple domains, systems, and solutions. An enterprise architect establishes the enterprise architecture vision and strategy, as well as the enterprise architecture framework and principles. An enterprise architect also aligns the enterprise architecture with the business strategy and objectives, and ensures that the enterprise architecture supports the current and future needs of the organization. An enterprise architect needs to have a holistic and systemic view of the organization, as well as the ability to communicate and collaborate with various stakeholders and levels.

They play a critical role in ensuring that technology solutions meet the needs of the organization and contribute to its success. Certifications are intended to validate the skills and expertise of solution architects. So, having one or more credentials proves the expert’s proficiency in specific skills.Most of the certification platforms, besides the exam itself, offer training courses, learning materials, and practice tests. Other resources can also be helpful to prepare and practice such as Udemy, Coursera, or MeasureUp.